I wanted to iterate, finding more ways to use the technique as a way for me to “paint”. More freely express and continue the understanding of this medium. As a collection of art pieces that are heavily influenced by nature and its resilience, embracing the hardships. Colorful works using shapes, depth and forms to pull you in with unique characteristics.
Each work is individually a memory, captured by the composition and materials used. They embody a slot in time and space, to remember me of moments, like a vivid dream that kept resurfacing.
About the V style:
A visual experiment, using self-developed techniques to get an unique result. In a search to showcase my journey, my shattered self, I recomposed the colorful view of the path I'm on. Questioning what digital art & photography can truly offer, creating works that can’t be recreated and becoming perhaps a new way of looking at digital art. This limitation is what inspired me to explore further and really find ways to push what I could create, visually new, protected by its own conception.